Points of Collapse

For 2-channel Tape

Year of Completion: 2001

Duration: 9'22"

Points of Collapse continues, and takes to its limit, my interest in the role and representation of kinetics in music. The functions of movement, escape, stress, strain and often ultimately collapse are each given consideration. Individual sound objects are subjected to a variety of pressures, often undergoing deformation as a result. The piece in its entirety also represents a discreet entity, fragile and barely held together by internal forces and linkages.

The sound sources used are themselves strongly suggestive of the ideas mentioned above being, as they are, the result of various objects (timber, paper and eggshells) being placed under strain.

My choice of short and often pointillistic source sounds highlighted a need to imbue coherence and also to prolong or arrest the release of energy of the original gestures. I developed a number of techniques of fragmentation and reconstruction - in either aleatorical or structured fashion - in pursuit of this end.